Tips For Taking Your Dog To The Vet Without Problems

9 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog


If you have a new dog or you have a dog that gets anxious when it comes to going to the vet, then it is important for you to learn ways you can go about cutting down on your dog's anxiety and making sure you take steps to prevent things from going wrong. You can use this article as a guide to help you take extra steps to make the trip to the vet's office go as good as possible.

Make sure your dog has a collar and tags on it – When you take your dog to the vet there is the chance that they may become stressed out to the point that they try to run away. If your dog does happen to get away from you then you want to know that you have taken the appropriate steps to ensure you will get the dog back. One of the best steps you can take is to be sure your dog is wearing a properly fitted collar that has tags on it. The tags must have your current contact information if you are to expect someone to find them and return them to you.

Make the appointment for a time when the office will be less crowded – There are generally certain times of the day when you will have a better chance of getting your dog in and out of the vet's office faster because it won't be as crowded. The quicker the appointment is, the faster you can get your dog back home where they feel the safest. Also, the less crowded the vet's office is, the less stressed your dog will feel while you are in the waiting room with them and the less risk there will be of something happening with another dog, such as a dog instigating a problem with your dog or vice versa. You will have a better chance of there being less clients in the office first thing in the morning or right after the staff gets back from taking their lunch break.

Don't bring the kids with you – Kids are generally good for keeping your dog excited. While this can be great when they are playing with the dog at home, it won't be good when you are trying to keep them calm in the vet's office. Also, even the most docile dogs can become extremely protective of the family, especially young ones, when they are in an unfamiliar environment or when the family is approached by strangers and strange dogs.